Blog Posts

And so it begins

The soul searching, deliberations and procrastinations have come to an end. I finally enrolled, on to what I think is the best copywriting course for me. There’s nothing like something new to get me fired up and into action. Once the course materials came online I had a compelling need to get organised. The paperwork floating around my desk for weeks found a home, mostly in the shredder, but it’s been dealt with. Folders have been re-purposed and I think I need a more comfortable chair.

As I read through the first module it occurred to me that I had come full circle in terms of rediscovering my first and strongest skill set. My mum taught me to read at an early age and I’m convinced that my better than average writing skills are due to my prolific reading as a child. As the module emphasised the need for good grammar and proof-reading your own work I was genuinely excited; looking forward to learning more with the knowledge that  I already know something about writing good English, better still I enjoy it which should improve my chances of success.

The pieces are starting to fit, but I do need to be more discerning with my time.  I was reminded at my writing group session to read and watch the things I enjoy, rather than be influenced by common opinion or bestseller lists to coerce me into engaging with material that doesn’t interest me. It’s obvious when you think about it, but a timely reminder anyway. It also prompted me to think about walking to the library more often, killing a few birds with one stone; exercise, fresh air and reading material – winner!   Adding this to my flaky schedule will be another step in the right direction along with more current affairs and nature, towards being a better writer; so both my courses are telling me anyway. So let’s press on.

The reality, however, can be a little different. At the beginning of the week, I was fired up, raring to go, so day one was deemed productive. Unfortunately, after a fractured night’s sleep, day two fell short and things only picked up as Friday drew close but that meant working on Saturday morning again, to achieve my weekly target. The flaky schedule is not perfect, (it may never be and that’s okay) but something is working, the ship is starting to turn, I just have to stay with it.


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